I just wanted to share something cool I discovered the other day. I recently bought a package of brand new Crayola markers and every one of them was dried up...completely. I was going to throw them away or return them to the store when I had the thought to check the internet for a solution. I found a few websites that offered the same advice. They said to take a few drops of white vinegar and drop them into the cap of the marker and replace the cap on the marker. I waited a few minutes for the vinegar to absorb into the marker and...whalah!!! PERFECTLY restored color in all of the markers!!!
One more thing...this only works on 'magic markers' or Crayola type markers. Permanent markers are made from an alcohol base instead of a vinegar base like the Crayola markers.
Just thought I would share. Besides, who doesn't have a dried up marker at home?
9 years ago