"The flower that follows the sun does so even on cloudy days." -Robert Leighton

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Christmas Village

We went to a Christmas Village in a town about 20 minutes away. They had tiny houses with a big window display in each house. The kids LOVED it!
I love the way Luke & Ashlynn's eyes lit up at each house. These lights were meant to look like lollipops. Luke and Ashlynn took turns licking them to test their authenicity. I wonder how many other kids licked the same spot!
It was freeeeezing-so we had to get all bundled up for the occasion.
One of the tiny houses actually had SANTA waiting inside! Luke and Ashlynn were terrified! We had to hold them there by force...that is until Santa pulled out the candy canes. They suddenly became Santa's best friends.
Ashlynn sporting her new 'Cheesy', Ben and Luke.
Here I am wearing my new coat. Luke asks me to ROAR every time I wear it. He told me he loves my new lion coat. He also says Ashlynn is a pink lion in her coat.
This was a free train ride to another Christmas Village across town.
Our kids loved the train ride.
Pink Lion Ashlynn
Luke's personal favorite in the Christmas Village! The reindeer ghost at the bottom was suspended in air by invisible strings. He was flying around and Luke loved it.
Our personal favorite. The Snowman Cafe. How cute is this?! The snowman in the middle melted because he ate hot soup. The only thing left of him is a carrot nose and coal eyes sitting on the chair. The expression of the other snowmen is cute too.

Monday, December 10, 2007

"Frosting the Snowman"

OK- You have to use your creative juices to figure this one out. This is Luke posing as 'Frosting the Snowman' (that's what Luke calls him). At first I didn't know what Luke was doing and then he explained that his eyes are pieces of coal (2 plastic tops), his 'corn cot' pipe (yellow formula scooper), and stick arms (forks) are suppose to be Frosting the Snowman. Wow, this kid has an imagination!

Jesse James Hideout

We stayed at the Anniversary Inn in Logan this past weekend. Ben's cousin Buffy and Kenny watched our kids and they did a great job. Thanks guys! Here is the Jesse James Hideout. It was a lot of fun. This room is actually in it's own building away from the main house. Each room is themed but this one is their best seller.
Breakfast! They also gave us fresh baked cookies, 2 slices of cheesecake in our little refrigerator, sparkling apple cider and Ben's favorite...IBC Rootbeer chilling in a wooden barrel. There was also a big screen TV. We had a lot of fun.
Notice the winning shot in action??!! I actually won 3 times!
Here is our cool bed.
If some of you wonder where Luke's gets his 'dressing up' craziness- meet the master. This room even had a Jesse James hat to wear! Ben loved it.

Christmas Stuff!

Luke brought a book for Santa to autograph. He refused to sit on Santa's lap but he had fun watching Santa's every move. Notice that Ashlynn is nowhere in sight. She took one look at Santa and ran away as fast as she could. She clung herself to a chair and screamed, "NO, NO, NO!!!" I wish I had a photo of her attached to the chair but I was busy getting this Santa shot.
Here's Luke staying true to himself. He couldn't make a Christmas tree without adding a spider.

Take 10+

This year we tried to save money and take our own family photo. It was not fun as you can tell from Ashlynn's expression. Why is it always so hard to take a family photo?

Take 4.

Take 7.

Take 10... or was that 15? We lost count. By this time, the Daddy was misbehaving and the Mommy had one nerve left.

Getting Along

I had to take a photo because I was in so much shock. There was only one drinkable yogurt left and they asked if they could share it. They shared it with smiles on their faces and no one ran away crying. This was a good day!
Is this really possible? They are actually getting along again. Miracles still exist.

Ashlynn the Helper

There's that cheesy smile again. She is so happy to help Mommy sweep the floor with the fireplace broom.
Ashlynn's new Cheesy Cheese. I love that sweet little face.

G&G Smith

Luke loves Minne...but from the look on Minne's face I am not sure she is loving Luke.
Grandma Marge & Ashlynn

Visit from Grandma & Grandpa Smith (& Minne).