"The flower that follows the sun does so even on cloudy days." -Robert Leighton

Monday, December 10, 2007

Take 10+

This year we tried to save money and take our own family photo. It was not fun as you can tell from Ashlynn's expression. Why is it always so hard to take a family photo?

Take 4.

Take 7.

Take 10... or was that 15? We lost count. By this time, the Daddy was misbehaving and the Mommy had one nerve left.


The Blaisdell Family said...

First, I love Ashlynn's dress. Very cute!!

Second, I love how you did snapshot pictures all in a row like that. It gives the feeling of "man, family pictures are tough. Glad I wasn't there!!" :) The last one was the best!

Bob said...

Love it! Our family just took pictures this spring and the photographer took over 40 and we still "rearranged" heads and faces from other photos. Crazy! My theory is for every kid you have plan on 10 pictures--thus our four kids=40 pictures!
You are a good lookin' family though!!!