"The flower that follows the sun does so even on cloudy days." -Robert Leighton

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Quote of the Day

Yesterday Luke was suppose to be picking up his toys. Here is our conversation:

Me: "Luke, pick up your toys please."
Me: "Luke, pick up your toys PLEASE."
Me: "Luke! Pick up your TOYS!"

LUKE: "Mommy, quit your yapping and start working!"

Me: (gasp!!!) "What did you say?"

LUKE: "Mommy, what does 'yapping' mean?" (completely unaware of the true meaning)

Me: "Where did you learn that?"

LUKE: "That's what Doc says to racecar Queen."

This little guy knows so many one-liners from movies...hummmm...sounds like someone else I know. Like Father like Son! The funny thing is that he uses these one liners in the appropriate setting but doesn't know what they mean. Luke's lucky that his innocence saved him today.


mmmandy! said...

I love that kid!

Rebecca Baca said...

Hey guys! I just started a blog for the mission so we can keep linking up with eachother. Check it out, I have already added both of you.


The Blaisdell Family said...

Good thing he's innocent AND cute!!! I love the things Luke comes up with. He seems pretty darn smart for his age. Are you sure he didn't turn 12 last month??

andrea said...

Tanya, Ben!! Hi guys! I'm so excited I found your blog! I was actually just thinking about you guys earlier today. Your kids are so cute and Hawaii looks awesome. I totally love your plan to make it happen.