"The flower that follows the sun does so even on cloudy days." -Robert Leighton

Friday, January 9, 2009

We are so Smitten!

I am lagging behind at posting photos and events from Christmas. So, I decided to group my pictures and break them up a little. Usually I post things about Luke because he says the funniest things I have ever heard or he is always creating something very unique. But Ashlynn needs her own post today. Ben and I have been so smitten by this little girl-especially lately. We see more of her personality every day and we can't get enough of this sweet little cupcake.

As we were decorating the Christmas tree, Ashlynn discovered what she thought was the longest and grandest necklace EVER! She loves jewelry and reminded all of us that this was HER 'nayness' (that's how she says necklace).

Princess Ashlynn.
Uncle Ron and Aunt Colby sent her this crown and jewelry. She was in heaven! It's hard to believe she is only 2 years old. She looks older with her jewelry on.

Ashlynn reading a book in her new favorite spot.

A friend gave Ashlynn this dress and she ADORES it. One of her favorite pasttimes is to open the closet and gaze at her princess dresses all hanging up in a row. It brings her so much joy and she wants everyone to join her in the event.

Even when she is sassy or mad, she still melts our hearts.

She loves to dance and kick her legs like a ballerina although she has never had a dance lesson.
We love you Ashlynn.


The Blaisdell Family said...

I LOVE those last pictures in that dress. She looks adorable and so girly. Her hair looks cute, her eyes are beautiful and she looks like a true princess. I love her a lot too!:)

Anonymous said...


This is KayCee, Jaime's friend from Ricks... Not sure if you remember, but I have to confess that I drop in on your blog on occasion. I think your kids are just sooo cute and I love to see what you guys are up too.

Anyhow, it looks like you are doing well. Ashlynn does not look 2 in these pics, that is crazy. I love her cheezy little smile. It looks like that must be a Smith thing because all of Jaime's kids have that adorable cheezer grin too...

Anyhow, hope all is well. You look great btw.

Bob said...

That is a beautiful dress....beautiful girl! Those pics would be gorgeous framed on the wall...they look professional! (are they?)

Lyndi said...

What a cutie! I love that dress on her. The black and white photo is beautiful!