"The flower that follows the sun does so even on cloudy days." -Robert Leighton

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Ashlynn is a Pop Star

I haven't taken any photos lately and I haven't posted anything for a long time. I forgot I had taken these pics back in February and they made me laugh when I saw them again. Here is Princess Ashberry eating some fruit and whip cream. I love her crazy hair. If we even TRY to come near her with a comb, she says, "NO, I already have 'bew-ful' primpiss hair".

If I straighten MY hair, she stares at me for a while and then says...."Me hate yur hair. You no have bew-ful primpiss hair."

Evidence that Ashlynn was here. Daddy is being taken care of extremely well. He has every blanket tucked around him that she could find. Ashlynn even managed to tuck a few of her babydolls in with Daddy.
Have you been to the doctor's office lately? Well, we went there several times in January and February and noticed that the basket of suckers had Ashlynn's name on the wrappers!!!! The spelling is even the same as our Ashlynn. I looked it up online and I guess the Dum Dum's Co. has a contest for kids and if you are the winner, you get your name put on your favorite flavor for 6 months to 1 year. A little girl back East won and her name happened to be Ashlynn. Our little Ashlynn was loving having her name on the suckers!


Flem said...

Good for her for being happy with her hair! I hope she feels that way for the rest of her life.

She is adorable.

Mandy said...

Hey Tanya! I just started my blog yesterday and I'm having a lot of fun. I'm still trying to figure everything out though. I'm learning by myself so it's taking me a lot longer to do things than it should. But I'm proud of myself for figuring it out because I'm not very good with computers. The blog thing is pretty addicting!

The Blaisdell Family said...

That is so funny about the hair for her and for you. Definitely made me laugh!

And all those blankets on Ben is too cute. I like when kids take care of someone like that, it's so sweet!

Ashlynn looks so grown!! It's amazing how much kids change even when you haven't seen them for only a few months!! She definitely looks like she's turning 3! (which is just crazy)

Jenny said...

I can't believe how big she's gotten, and how curly/long her hair is! SO CUTE!