"The flower that follows the sun does so even on cloudy days." -Robert Leighton

Monday, May 18, 2009

A Cursed 2009? What do you think?

We will save you the wait for the annual family newsletter we usually share in December. Here is our 2009 so far:

January: Everyone in the family gets sick. (This was the easy trial)

February: All appliances break down at the same time = very expensive repairs!!! Water leak in kitchen destroys new flooring.

March: Ben gets car totaled by a woman running a red light. We end up buying a lemon to replace it and it sucks up all our money.

April: Ben almost loses his job and we lose our baby after 3 months of pregnancy. (Not to mention a few other personal issues we can't list here.)

May: (you probably won't believe this one...) Tanya discovers a man dressed in black hiding in our garage at 11pm. Tanya screams at him to "Get OUT!" and then Ben chases the man down the street (with barefeet) into the darkness and returns 15 minutes later empty handed. Police show up 2 hours later to investigate and search the neighborhood hoping to still find the mystery man dressed in black. (a little late guys!...but thanks anyway!)

So... is this a cursed 2009 or a rather especially exciting one??? Should I be scared for June?


dorothy said...

Just getting everything out of the way for the really good stuff!

Flem said...

Wow what a man! Running down the street in bare feet.


And so far exciting year. I personally am looking forward to what June brings for you.

Mandy said...

I'm sorry you guys are going through so much right now. That's pretty scary that there was someone in your garage. I would freak out!

Lyndi said...

Wow. What a year so far! Hopefully the last half will be just as eventful, only on the positive side!

BTW, I can't believe you yelled at that guy! Tough.

Jenny said...

Wow...that's quite the year! I can't believe Ben ran after him, that's pretty scary!

Melissa said...

Maybe it's time for you to take a vacation...come out here to MN and we'll keep you safe!
Really though...how scary! Ben, you're very brave to run after this weirdo...glad you're all safe!

mama bear said...

Oh my goodness! I was so sad to hear about your loss, I hope you are doing okay. Judging from this blog post though, I would think not. I really hope things turn around for you soon. And no more scary lurkers. Yikes!

By the way, I haven't heard back from my dental hygienist friend, I think she's lost forever. What have you decided about school?

Angela said...

Wow what a year! It has to get better. I am sooooo sorry to hear about your loss. I can only imagine, I cried when I read it. Hang in there "Cheeka"
I think you need a looong vacation. Take some time for yourself. I am so glad to reconnect, I truly miss you!

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