Since I plan on printing my blog and keeping it as a journal, I wanted to write more about the day Tyler joined our family.
On Wednesday, March 3rd, I went to my weekly appointment. I was 37 weeks pregnant and the doctor told me I tested positive for GBS. She also said I would have to be induced on the 15th of March so I could receive 4 hours of antibiotics before the baby would be born. I was very upset because I do not like being induced for so many reasons. I went home really ticked off until I read about all the difficulties babies can have from contracting GBS. Who wants their baby to get meningitis??? Not me. So I started making plans for the 15th. The stress level in our home was kicked into high gear making plans and making Ben work harder on his 'Honey Do List'.
Throughout the next 24 hours a few people commented that I looked like the baby had dropped and they teased me about having the baby over the weekend. That made me stress even more. Unlike many other pregnant women, I have never wished to be 'done' sooner than expected. I get uncomfortable...but I don't think I have ever been miserable. I enjoy feeling the baby move. It is such a surreal experience. I get more nervous knowing that I will be responsible for another little person, that I welcome discomfort in place of it. I know that the first few months of the baby's life I will be a walking zombie and sore from breastfeeding and etc. That is scarier to me than any discomfort I've had in pregnancy.
The next day, Thursday, March 4, my daughter threw up and then my son came home from school with a fever. This was not good. I was so worried about taking care of them and then bringing home a newborn to a germ infested home. I had contractions all night, but when morning came, they disappeared. Contractions (not Braxton Hicks) came and went throughout the day and continued throughout the night on the 5th. On Saturday March 6th, both kids seemed to be doing better-whew! Such a relief! Contractions showed up again while I was painting one of the bedrooms and continued throughout the night as Ben and I welcomed 8 babysitting group children into our home. It was our turn to watch all the we did it....contractions and all. Are we crazy or what??? I was in pain most of the time, so Ben ended up entertaining them. Good job Ben! The kids were all great too! Whew!
Contractions continued throughout Saturday night and into Sunday morning and then stopped at 4am. So I went to church with my family. As soon as we sat down, I started having contractions 3-6 minutes apart again. I called my doctor and she told me to come to the hospital. Just as I was approaching Ben in the hallway, he looked scared when I told him we had to go to the hospital. He informed me that the tire on the minivan was flat! We jumped in the van and drove around looking for an open auto store. Meanwhile, my contractions stopped. Thank goodness! I really didn't want to have a baby on the side of the road. We skipped the rest of church and I laid on the couch ALL evening. I knew this baby had to come soon! I didn't know how many more days of on and off contractions I could take. Ben's cell phone died on Saturday night my anxiety of not being able to contact him throughout the upcoming week was growing by the second.
Well, I prayed I would know the right time to head to the hospital because I was so confused at this point. I talked on the phone with my friend Nell until midnight on Sunday, March 7th. I went to bed right after that. At 2:36am I was awakened by another set of contractions...but these were very intense and I knew it was time. Ironically, with all 3 of my children, I have started those really intense contractions at 2:30 am each time!!! Is that crazy or what? When I woke up and looked at the clock at 2:36am, I thought to this really possible? What are the chances of that? My doctor says that happens with some women! Anyway, I called my friend Susan at 4 am and she came over and watched my children while Ben and I headed to the hospital. The nurse said I was dilated to a 5 and told me I definitely had enough time to get 4 hours of antibiotics intravenously before the baby would arrive. YAY!!! After such a crazy weekend, I am so thrilled and still amazed that everything actually turned out just perfect. Tyler was born on Monday, March 8th at 10:20am. Two weeks early and I didn't have to be induced! We were so excited to have a little baby that we actually forgot to look down to see if he was a boy or girl. We laughed about that! I was so emotional at this point. After a long and difficult year, I finally had my baby in my arms and he was so healthy and beautiful beyond words. Our prayers were answered in so many ways! I can't deny that.