"The flower that follows the sun does so even on cloudy days." -Robert Leighton

Sunday, March 21, 2010

'Natural' does not equal 'EASY'

Whew!  I am exhausted....all the time.  I love little Tyler and I wouldn't change a thing, but I have forgotten just how much work a newborn is. Even though I have successfully breastfed both Luke & Ashlynn for 1 whole year, I still think breastfeeding is such a feat!  It is definitely another labor of love.  I have to set day to day goals for doing it rather than setting the 1 year goal.  Otherwise it just seems too daunting.  I have read many books and literature about breastfeeding and hired many lactation specialists in the past...it is still a difficult task no matter what!  I have jokingly commented that I want to list it on my resume some day.  What employer wouldn't hire me if he/she really knew just how much blood, sweat, tears, pain, countless HOURS (& years!)  I have worked to accomplish such a task?  Although it sounds like I am complaining...I still think the benefits outweigh the difficulties.  I just have to remember that things will get better soon:)  
Note to self:....YOU...CAN...DO...THIS!

1 comment:

Lyndi said...

Seriously! Why doesn't anyone ever tell you how hard breastfeeding is??

Keep it up...you can do it! :)