"The flower that follows the sun does so even on cloudy days." -Robert Leighton

Monday, May 24, 2010

Tyler's Baby Blessing

We had Tyler blessed on Sunday May 16th. 
Since 90% of our family was traveling from Idaho for the blessing, we decided to go up there instead of having everyone come to us. It was a PERFECT weekend. I only wish I would have taken a few better photos.
We had lots of fun with our cousins and extended family all weekend.  The blessing was the icing on the cake.  I was able to visit with my Uncle Will and Aunt Barbie and cousin Vicki, who I hadn't seen for 10 years!  My sister, Danielle and her family were not able to attend due to the fact that she had a baby 2 days before...at home...in her bathroom!
Ben's mom, Carolyn flew in from Tennessee.  We were so lucky to have her here with us! We had a great luncheon after the blessing at Grandma Fern's home (which I have NO photos of).  She and many others cooked up some amazing food and everything was so Yummy!  What a wonderful day!  I have more fun photos from the weekend, but I thought I would give Tyler his own post for his blessing day.  What a wonderful reason to have a family get together.  Muchas Gracias to everyone for your help!  It was a perfect day for us!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Tyler's 2 Months Old

Is there anything more peaceful than looking at a sleeping baby?  Actually, snuggling a new little baby may be the only thing to beat that!  Here is Tyler lying on Ben's chest.  Daddy's are good for that!
This Mother's Day felt so incredibly good to hold another new little life in my arms.  I feel like I can't even wrap my brain around my feelings for this little guy.  I can't take it all in.  I guess the saying "My cup floweth over" has new meaning to me.  I could stare at this little face all day.  I know I already do most of the night too:)
The delay on my camera didn't capture the smile he was showing us-but this is quite cute too!

Yay-I finally captured him laughing...camera strap and all.  Two months old is so fun.  I love it when they start smiling and laughing.
I think he was laughing at us in these photos.  The kids and I were coming up with some pretty strange noises and actions to get him to smile for the camera.  Oh, I am soooo in love with this baby... and so is the rest of the family:)

Monday, May 10, 2010

Luke's 6th Birthday

We hope you had a fun birthday Luke!  We can't believe you are 6 years old already. 
To sum it up, Luke is:

-our 'Curious George'- always getting into something just out of pure curiosity. 

-our 'Energizer Bunny'- he never takes naps, never slows down, always has to be doing something productive, and only watches maybe '30' minutes of  TV per day because there is just too much to explore and do each day.
-an inventor.  He lies in bed every night for hours dreaming about all the rockets and robots he is going to build some day. He especially wants to build a robot that cleans his room for him.
-our Garbage Man.  He digs through our garbage everyday looking for items to salvage and reuse.  He says there is no such thing as garbage...only things that haven't been used or created yet.
-our magical rock finder.  He finds new 'magical rocks' almost every day and stores them in his pocket until Mommy finds them in the wash machine every time she does the laundry.
-a great detail-oriented artist, a great reader, a great learner in the classroom and a great big brother to Tyler and sometimes to Ashlynn:)  He wears us out, keeps us laughing, inspires us with his deep thinking, tests our patience, and warms our hearts. 

Happy Birthday Luke

Ashlynn's Birthday Present

Check out this gorgeous bike!  Ashlynn saved all her birthday money from friends and family (and a little extra from Mom and Dad) and this what she bought!  It even has a small attachable Barbie bike for her Barbie to ride with her.  It is the cutest thing!!!  She loves it and so do we.  It sure beats the $5 garage sale  bike we bought for her a few years ago.  Now she wants to ride her bike every day.  Ashlynn tells us how 'bewful' it is every time she jumps on it.