"The flower that follows the sun does so even on cloudy days." -Robert Leighton

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Keeping up with Luke

A few weeks ago we enrolled Luke in preschool. We were going to wait until he was 4, but we changed our minds. Luke is really shy around 'groups' of people and...uh...I can't imagine 'who' he inherited that from! I didn't want Luke to have my same phobias, so we thought he could benefit from preschool. He is constantly telling me that he wants to read and spell words. I thought he would really enjoy school for those reasons too. He learned how to write his name the first day and now he writes it on everything. He is only 3 1/2 and we are really proud of him!
I have friends (who are stay-at-home moms) who actually read novels and books at home DURING the day. I still haven't figured out how that is possible. Maybe it is because of my children's ages, but there is no way I would EVER be allowed to read a small paragraph from the mail I received that day-let alone a whole chapter in a novel or book. My children do not run off in their rooms and play by themselves. They follow me from room to room as I complete chores in our home. Luke asks me to play with him every 2 seconds, Luke asks me to make him something out of paper(like the photo above) every 4 seconds, and Ashlynn wants me to sit down and cuddle with her every 6 seconds. I feel like they are glued to me every second of the day. They have so many toys, but the only thing they want is my attention and love. I guess all this craziness means they love me! Someday, when they are teenagers, I will be the one begging them to spend time with me. Maybe I will have to follow them around the house from room to room and constantly repeat the same thing to them until they pay attention to me too!

This is what happens when my child doesn't follow me from room to room. There was 5 minutes of silence that I knew was too good to be true. I walked up the stairs and noticed a lock of hair on each step. The hair was so long that I assumed it was Ashlynn's hair. My heart sank as I proceeded with each step and yet another handful of hair. When I reached the top of the stairs, I imagined how bald little Ashlynn would be. To my surprise, it was Luke cutting his own hair. Notice the bald spot in the middle of his head? His bangs are mostly cut off too. The sad thing is that no one even notices that he cut his hair.


Lyndi said...

Too funny!! But I totally sympathize with you about never having a minute to...well, breathe, really. I never did when Alex was that age either. I think it's a combination of age and personality. I know there are moms w/kids the same age that get to sleep in til 10am. I KNOW, CRAZY! But, it eventually got better as Alex got older (and went to school) :) We even got the hair cutting thing too. At least it was Luke, and not Luke cutting Ashlyn's hair!! :)

The Blaisdell Family said...

Luke's face in that last picture is incredibly FUNNY!!! I busted up!! He still looks cute though. How can people not notice the big bald spot?

I have told Craig the same thing about when they are teens. I will WANT them hounding me and will miss it so bad:( But right now...it drives me nuts!!

I LOVE Luke's hair in the first picture, I need to let the boy's hair just grow out and get past the "ugly" phase. I can't seem to do it. My boys don't have bangs AT ALL and it looks silly to me sometimes. Maybe now with the holidays and birthdays done i can let it grow some more.

Loved this post by the way, it was very entertaining!

Bob said...

I too, liked this post--you're a good writer Tanya.
Was this hair-cutting before or after being enrolled in preschool? I cut my hair for the first (and last time) shortly after I started preschool--in fact it was a week before school pictures:-)
You have such adorable kids!!!
They could shave their heads and still be so cute!