"The flower that follows the sun does so even on cloudy days." -Robert Leighton

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Snow Much Fun!

This looks like a regular snowman...
...but it's not! Luke said he wanted to build the biggest snowman EVER! We had so much fun making it. It was a good workout too! It took the two of us to lift those snowballs! They were so heavy! We have received A LOT of compliments about the snowman. People walking by, people at church, neighbors, people driving by and even a teenager walking by yelled out to me, "Hey, that's the coolest snowman I've seen."
My only regret is that Ashlynn was not with us. She was taking a nap:(

A snowcave! We have received so much snow this year!!! I remember making caves and snowforts in Minnesota when I was a little girl. Luke thought this was so cool!

This little guy didn't want to ever go in the house! The day after this picture was taken, Luke came down with croup. Poor guy!

I have to write what Luke did with the snowman after we made it. Ben and I said we were going in the house and Luke asked if he could stay outside with 'Frosting the Snowman' for a few minutes. We looked at each other and then asked Luke, "WHY"? He said he needed to talk to 'Frosting' alone and for just a little bit. Ben and I ran in the house and opened the window so that we could hear what Luke was going to say to the snowman. The conversation went something like this:
"So...you like snow?"... "I like snow too." ..."Are you cold?" ..."Do you want some more snow?" (he then put more snow on the snowman) ..."Okay, well, I am going inside to get some hot chocolate." "Bye Frosting!"
We love this little man. Luke really thinks 'Frosting' is real. It is sooooo cute!


mmmandy! said...

Luke rocks! Maybe you could start a winter class at the gym: ultimate snowman-building.

The Blaisdell Family said...

That snowman is pretty cool. Luke would have a lot of fun with Josh. He hates coming in from the snow. He loves to shovel for us too, which is nice, then I don't have to:)

I love Luke talking to the snowman. I think Ryan thinks Frosting will come to life or something too from watching "Frosty the Snowman". When we made our snowman, he gave him a hug and told him happy birthday like they do in the movie. I'm so glad we live in a state with snow now. So many new and fun memories!!

And I bet you DID get a good workout making that. Snow is heavy!! You guys did a great job on it and I'm excited to use our snowman kit you guys gave us. He looks super cute!!

The Blaisdell Family said...

Ever since the boys saw this frosty picture, that's all they have been talking about it. Josh keeps asking, "how come we only used 3 snowballs and they got to use 5???" Good question!! Maybe if we had a little bit more snow that would be possible, but we used up almost the whole yard just doing 3!!

And Luke needs to meet our friend's kid, Landon. He has a mind just like Luke. He asked his parents the other night if he could sleep on the patio, why?, because he wanted a spider to bite him so he could be a real spiderman!!

They would get along great!!

Bob said...

Very cool! What a fun snowman! I remember when I was a kid my dad helped us (or did we help him?....) build a snow dog....anatomically correct mind you. (Was this because we were homeschooled? Could be...)