"The flower that follows the sun does so even on cloudy days." -Robert Leighton

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Support Local Farmers

Today I went to an ORGANIC Farmer's Market down the road from our home. It was sooooo much cheaper than the grocery store and that's why I am taking the time to blog about it! The other day I bought an organic green pepper from Target for $2.50 because the non-organic ones were all gone! Well, today I bought 2 green peppers for $1.00!!! I also bought a one pound sack of green beans, 2 small pumpkins, 1 acorn squash, a pint of FRESH raspberries (not moldy, nasty ones), 4 zucchinis, a head of garlic, a huge cucumber and...oh yeah, a whole watermelon for a grand total of $14.00!!!!!!!! I know I would have paid $28 or more for the same thing at the grocery store. So the moral of the story: If you buy local produce, it will be healthier for you, it will taste a whole lot better, it will be fresh, you will save a lot more money and you will support your local farmers and the local economy. It couldn't get better than that:)

1 comment:

Lyndi said...

YUM! I LOVE the farmer's market!