"The flower that follows the sun does so even on cloudy days." -Robert Leighton

Saturday, February 6, 2010


It's my blog and I'll gripe if I want to,
gripe if I want to,
gripe if I want to...
you would cry too if it happened to you.

Now that I have tried to be optimistic as I reviewed the positive things from 2009, I would like to give 2010 a kick in the pants!  My patience is wearing very thin...

It all started over 2 weeks ago. Luke woke up with a stomach FLU.  Not bad I think.  I can handle that.  Our family hasn't had a sick visit to a doctor for a year to be exact.  I think we must be doing a great job with handwashing and etc.  No one else got the flu and a few days passed.  Then Luke got CROUP for only a day or so.  Not bad.  A few days later, possible PNEUMONIA and breathing treatments and a lung steriod.  Ok...I am starting to think..."What the heck is going on". 

Luke gets better.  A few days pass...blasted PINK EYE!!!  Then, a few days later Ashlynn, Ben and I develop PINK EYE.  I send Luke to school thinking all is well with him.  He comes down with DIARRHEA and misses a few more days of school.  A few days later, Ashlynn and I get the stomach FLU on the same day.  Ashlynn and I both develop a bad COUGH to top it off.  After several hundreds of dollars spent on copays and medicine.......guess what???  Luke enters round 2 of PINK EYE on Thursday, Ashlynn throws up AGAIN on Thursday evening and Ben and I get PINK EYE on Friday AGAIN!!!  Is this a bad, mean joke? Did someone put a curse on us?

I would like to thank the Physician's Assistant who, when asked why our family keeps getting pink eye, answered me by saying, "You need to learn to wash your hands better."  Guess what dude?...YOU DON"T KNOW SQUAT. I would think a whole family staying healthy for one year says a lot about handwashing!!!  I would like to thank pink eye for being responsible for over $300 we have spent on copays & medicine and being responsible for my 'perfect attendance' child now missing the maximum allowed days of school.  Thank you pink eye for messing up my schedule for several weeks, making me lose wages at work and sending me out of our infested cave looking like a no makeup, glasses wearing, very pregnant, pink eyed DOG.  Thank you for zapping me of any and all my energy to prepare for a new baby in 5 weeks.  Thank you for giving me cracked and bleeding hands from all my HANDWASHING!  Whew.  Am I done yet?  Here's to one more week of pink eye...

Did I mention, the car broke down and required over $400 in repairs too?  Maybe it has  #*$@  pink eye too!


Mandy said...

I think you have good reason to gripe. It's your blog and if you want to vent, go ahead and do it. It would be very frustrating to have everyone sick for that long.

The Boyles said...

Oh Tanya - I am so sorry. you have every reason to vent!! I think this has been a rough winter - Jordan has been sick for about 2 months (he had walking pnemonia), got better for 2 weeks and then got an older kids version of croup. So frustrating - but know I am thinking of you. Maybe your famly is just getting it all over with now so that for the rest of the year (when your baby gets here)you guys will be healthy. Let me know if you ever want to chat (or vent) - it has been too long since we talked :)

The Blaisdell Family said...

I hope you feel better after getting that all out. I sure would!!! That is SO much to deal with but being pregnant along with it makes it that much harder. Geez, so sorry!!! I did have to laugh about your car having #*$@ pink eye too!!

We will continue to pray for things to get better for all of you!

smdc said...

I hope it gets better for you!! Congratulations on the new babe-to-be!

Beth said...

Awesome, what more can I say? You know how it seems we have to go through major trials right before something really good happens? Well, maybe you are about to have the best, happiest, ready to sleep through the night, baby ever! I hope you guys get better soon! And I am so happy you are blogging again.

Flem said...

Very well-written!! I loved that I could skim your paragraph and zoom in on the colors to see the various infections you have had.

I am sure you were really nice to mr. know-it-all handwasher guy but I might have looked back blankly and said "you are kidding? Washing hands? What a GREAT idea!! I never thought of THAT!"

I am sorry 2010 started out so lame but I have hope that it will pick up speed in February for you.

Caitlyn Dixon said...

That stinks! But to look on the bright side it's better you all get sick now and not in 5 weeks when the baby comes.

Kaitlyn said...

Oh my! That doesn't sound like fun at all!! When I was working at the daycare, we had a few kids end up with pink eye... it was noooot coool. And getting eyedrops into toddlers is not on my list of things I want to do again.