"The flower that follows the sun does so even on cloudy days." -Robert Leighton

Friday, February 8, 2008

We need Super Nanny!!!

Notice that I am not attaching a photo? Well, that is because I thought anyone reading this could use their own imagination and picture this event in their minds. If you have children, then I am sure you have found yourself in this same setting...well...let's hope so for my sake. This morning Ben and I are extremely embarrassed and frustrated from our lovely night at Garcia's restaurant. Last night some friends of ours treated us (and our children) to dinner. The gesture was extremely kind and we are grateful to them for their kindness. We love our children very much...but being a parent can be soooooooooooooooooooooo hard sometimes. I have to remember they are 3 1/2 years old and 21 months old. Our children were well behaved for maybe ...um...5 minutes total. They sat in their chairs for about 30 seconds and then Ashlynn jumped out of her highchair and ran away screaming, "NO, NO, NO". Luke of course had to follow her and then chase her. They were both laughing hysterically and obnoxiously loud. They were jumping off the stairs, running laps around the tables and standing on chairs and having a screaming match.
At one point they took their shoes off and threw them at each other. They left their shoes in a walking path while the servers tripped over them and Ashlynn ran into a server carrying food. Meanwhile, we took turns leaving our friends at the table by themselves while we tried to control our children. I eventually put Ashlynn in the naughty corner (I love that every building has one!). Ashlynn screamed at the top of her lungs the entire 1 minute of her naughty corner experience. 60 seconds felt like 60 minutes! The naughty corner experience obviously didn't make her want to be better because she continued to be CRAZY and eventually Ben spanked her. A few minutes later, Luke took a tortilla chip loaded with salsa and chucked it across the table at Ben. That action sealed the deal...we were done with Garcia's restuarant! We said
good-bye to our friends and I grabbed my shrimp taco with 2 bites taken out of it and off we went!! I guess we just have to realize that we will never be able to GO TO a restaurant with children EVER again. Most people seem to have family members who live nearby and they can dump their kids at grandma's house while they are able to enjoy a few moments of solitude and sociality with their friends. We, on the other hand, have to pay millions in babysitting fees every time we step out the front door. A few weeks ago we even paid a babysitter while we went to the grocery store together for date night. Isn't that romantic? ...but I must admit it was enjoyable in some wierd way. So...anyway...we put the children to bed at 6:30pm last night because neither of us had an ounce of patience left! I then spent the evening reading discipline books, taking deep breaths and reminding myself of how much I really do love my children.


Bob said...

I chuckled the entire time reading this story...it's all too familiar. And even though we have family nearby, we are insane enough to take our kids to dinner 9 times out of 10. I think it's like childbirth...you forget just enough, that you do it all again!
I wish we lived closer...I'd watch your kids for you so you and Ben could have some much deserved alone time.
You're great parents!
I just think every parent HAS to have these crazy embarassing experiences or it's not real parenting. :-)

mmmandy! said...

I was laughing as I read your experience and yet I could feel my anxiety level start to rise at the same time b/c we've definitely been there too. Unfortunately, those kind of moments seem to happen more often at church in our family. I hate when you have to take someone out of the meeting and you KNOW that EVERYONE is watching you and analyzing what you're doing.
I know that we haven't been around you guys since Luke was 1, but what I love about you guys as parents is that you know how to have so much fun with your kids. Everything is a great adventure and you're fascinated by their viewpoint. I can tell by the way that you write about them that you love them more than anything.
I agree with Melissa that you are GREAT parents!

The Blaisdell Family said...

Oh my gosh you guys. I was feeling all hostile inside just reading that. Moments like those are when I think to myself, "it's a good thing there are laws protecting your safety right now kid!!!!!" It makes it even harder when you are with other people. Dang kids!

I have an idea. Just move to Boise and we could have the most perfect babysitting arrangement in the history of babysitting!!!