"The flower that follows the sun does so even on cloudy days." -Robert Leighton

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Baby Animal Days 2008

"Hey, let's go to Baby Animals Day!"
This is our 2nd time attending Baby Animals Day in Wellsville at the American West Heritage Center. We love it! This year we were lucky enough to have my parents accompany us.

Here they are on the wagon ride. The mountains in the background are completely amazing! We learned that those mountains are the steepest mountains in the world in comparison to how 'small' the base of the mountain is. They were so majestic- I loved looking at them.

Yah! Cotton Candy! Luke remembered this stuff from last year and would not let us forget to buy him some.
Our sweet baby animal, Ashlynn.

And our scary tiger, Luke.

It was so cold this year. Last year it was about 80 degrees and we came home with heat exhaustion and a sunburn.

Ben testing out his lasso skills!

They had lots of little shops to explore. Some of the shops had crafts for the kids to make, like a bug house and pinecone bird feeders.

Luke riding the pony! Good job Luke. He acted like he had done this every day of his life. There was no hesitation for him.
Sad to see the ride come to an end:(

"There is no way in **** you are getting me on that scroungy animal!"
(Ashlynn of course didn't really say this-but we know she was thinking it!)

Luke really enjoyed this sweet little bunny. We all wanted to take him home! As you can tell from Ashlynn's face, she was coveting Luke's position as the bunny holder. But...

...not for long. This girl gets what she wants.

Luke with a calf...

...a turkey

and a millipede.

My mom and Luke were the only ones who wanted to touch these things. My mom even managed to call the millipede "a little honey"! For those of you who know my mom will get a laugh out of this!

Luke and a cockroach!!! I passed on that one!

Luke was able to hold a duckling and a gosling too! So cute!

And a little piglet!

My dad couldn't pass up the chance to test his hatchet throwing skills. He was able to nail 3 of the 4 hatchets! No one else even came close! You can see the 3rd one flying in the air still.
Ben did quite well on his second try-but my dad still walked away the champion. I tried to throw a couple myself...but we don't need to post a photo of that.
Bye-Bye Baby Animals! We will see you next year! Hopefully it will be warmer and maybe Aunt Jaime can join us too!


The Blaisdell Family said...

PLEASE count us in for next year. That looks like SO much fun. The mountains look incredible!

I can't believe the kids kept those masks on. I don't think Josh would have even let it touch his head! I love how fun your kids are and willing to do things.

That picture of mom...I about wet my pants! I don't know what's funnier, her expression or the fact she called a "worm" a little honey!! What the heck?!?!!

It really does look like a fun place to go. We just need to mark it on our calendars NOW so we won't forget. We might only be able to afford "vacationing" in UT next year anyway:)

mmmandy! said...

Your mom cracks me up! She's got the best smile EVER. What a fun outing! I had never heard of it before.

Bob said...

Looks like a great outing and chance to get up close and personal with animals. :-)
Cute kids!