"The flower that follows the sun does so even on cloudy days." -Robert Leighton

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Easter Fun

This was the first year we have ever dyed eggs. I have always avoided it because I didn't want to have dye spilled everywhere. To my surprise, we didn't have any spills! The kids were awesome!
See what I mean...a perfect angel :)

Ashlynn and her Daddy.

My sister Jaime sent us this Star Wars egg kit. They turned out great!

The eggs quickly disappeared from the refrigerator and ended up being used as action figures complete with sound effects and battle scenes. Only a boy would have imagined that eggs could be used in this manner.
Our personal favorite.
Jammies, puffy eyes, candy, bunny ears and...

... more evidence of the Easter Bunny coming to our home.

This is one happy boy.

This sweet little bunny happened to be born on Easter a few years ago. This was her first real Easter egg hunt and she loved it. And what egg hunt wouldn't be complete without...

...stepping in dog pooh! Oh, the memories!

I guess you can't give children loads of candy for breakfast and expect them to actually pose for a photo. You would think I would learn this by now.
And onto the second Easter egg hunt at Uncle Ron's house.
Ashlynn and Ellie searching for eggs.

Yah! She found one-but she didn't know why it wouldn't open and spill out candy all over.


mmmandy! said...

Fun Easter times! We still have never dyed eggs with the kids- not for the mess though. It just requires more effort than I'm usually willing to put in, after everything else. I'll have to check out those Star Wars eggs next year- very cool. I did promise them that we would make Easter-shaped cookies. I'm hoping to do that this weekend. (It's only 2 weeks late.)
Anyway- Only Luke would still be smiling after stepping in dog poo. :) Blake probably would've been sobbing. (sigh) And I love the picture where he is so excited that he has eggs growing out of his ears! Your kids are GREAT!

Greg and Torrey said...

Your kids are so sweet! I miss you guys.

The Blaisdell Family said...

What great Easter pictures!! I'm glad you guys did eggs this year. I can't believe you didn't do them before!! Looks like you all had a lot of fun doing it. The Yoda one cracks me up!! I forgot he came with a "weapon" too. That's pretty funny. I can see why Luke wanted to play with them, they turned out cute and they DO look like action figures.

I LOVE the bunny ears. The kids look so incredibly cute with them on!

Ashlynn's dress is so pretty. I didn't do anything special for Avery. We have several dresses she's never worn so we just picked one, but not having hair and not wanting things on her head...well it just wasn't very cute. I can't wait till she has "ashlynn" hair, even though I don't think she will have the beautiful curls:(

One thing I need to ask...did Ashlynn put her own shoes on by chance?? :)

Ben and Tanya said...

Wow. You are observant Jaime. Actually now that I look at the photo, it looks like her legs are twisted or put on backwards. She loves putting her own shoes on!

My boss,Karen, gave me that dress for Ashlynn. It looks brand new and I think it is beautiful too. She has several more just like it from Karen.

Lyndi said...

Oh, so cute! Your kids are adorable. Don't you just love how excited they get for the egg hunts? And when they finally clue in to what's happening...it's so fun!
Yeah, I thought her shoes were funny. Gabi has finally gotten to where she can figure out the right foot. Independence is fun, but frustrating at times. :)

Beverly and Dave said...

You guys looked like you had a great Easter! Cool eggs! We miss you and should get together soon.