"The flower that follows the sun does so even on cloudy days." -Robert Leighton

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Pumpkin Fest

Ok, I have to admit...Luke is not the only pumpkin lover in the house. I don't sleep with pumpkins at night like he does, but I think I am a little obsessed with eating pumpkin stuff! Maybe I am deficient in Vitamin A or something:) I didn't grow up eating pumpkin treats as a tradition, so I am not sure where my addiction comes from. Every year I look forward to October and November mainly because I get to stuff my face with pumpkin: bars, cookies, bread & cheesecake.

I am still working at losing weight, but I do allow myself to bake a treat once a week-usually on a Sunday. Every Sunday for the last month I have made some sort of pumpkin treat and November is not finished yet. Yipee!!! December seems to be more of a chocolate fest for me, so I have to get in as much pumpkin stuff as I can! As long as I work really hard at exercising and eating the right food during the week, I am able to indulge in my weekly Pumpkin Fest with no problem. I even managed to lose 2.4 pounds the week of Halloween!

Eight years ago, one of my friends gave me a recipe for Pumpkin Cookies w/ Brown Sugar Icing. They should come with a caution sign because they will make you swear. I am not kidding. I won't tell you some of the things Ben's co-workers said when they ate them:) The funny thing is that I don't care that much for traditional pumpkin pie. I also don't add nutmeg or cloves to my pumpkin recipes. I only like pumpkin and cinnamon together. That's it. A match made in heaven!


Melissa said...

Exactly my thoughts....is this a secret recipe??? I need I need....

The Blaisdell Family said...

I don't know if I need help with swearing:) but I do want that recipe! Sounds divine!

You and my friend Hillery are so crazy about pumpkin stuff it makes me laugh.

Kaitlyn said...

I love Pumpkin stuff too! There are two particular favorites though. One is this pumpkin pasta dish I discovered while I was working at that girl scout camp this summer (sounds odd, but delicious!).
And another is the easiest pumpkin cookie ever. It is so quick that I can post it on here. It's just a box of spice cake mix and a regular 15 oz can of pumpkin. You mix it together by hand (add the mix in bit by bit) and add in chocolate chips at the end. Bake it at 350 for 10-15 minutes (use the toothpick method to tell for sure if they're done). That's it. So quick and inexpensive, yet yummy. And the best thing is my old nutrition professor says it can count as a vegetable too. haha. Yumm!