"The flower that follows the sun does so even on cloudy days." -Robert Leighton

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Trick or Treating

The long awaited day had finally come. HALLOWEEN! Our little Batman and Princess were able to attend a carnival at my work and then they went to a 'trunk or treat' that evening. We also did some door to door trick or treating. They had so much fun! We have candy coming out our ears! I have to hide it before it destroys my diet! We hope you guys all had a great Halloween too!


Flem said...

I love your little princess! Her costume is so adorable- and if it weren't for the size I would swear that is Ben underneath the mask...

The Blaisdell Family said...

How cute. They both look so proud to be dressed up. I bet look was in heaven all night long.

Way to hide the candy! That takes a lot of strength not to have some, so GOOD JOB!!

mmmandy! said...

Ahh! I missed all your Halloween festivities! I've been horrible about checking blogs lately!! CAn I just say how much I love you guys?! Seriously... I love reading about your experiences and your family, but I feel a twinge of sadness that we aren't nearby to do some of these things WITH you. :( Maybe someday.
Luke and Ashlynn are getting SOOO big! They look very grown up in these pictures. Love all the stories- particularly the Target episode!! I laughed so hard! I hope that you guys are able to pull out of the holiday funk soon.

The Crandall Family said...

Ben, I thought you were ANTI-batman? Good to see that your son has some sense!!! But, he did look at little DARK. Call us we should get together.

Becca said...

Nice Ben face in the next post below this one. Ahh the candy, so much candy, so many teeth to decay, so much time to ruin them. I vote throwing it away while they are at school.