"The flower that follows the sun does so even on cloudy days." -Robert Leighton

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Jingle Bells Already?

Well, it snowed today...a lot! I can't believe we got soooo much snow for the first snow of the year. What happened to Halloween? What happened to my beautiful green grass that I just cut 2 days ago? I was NOT thrilled about this...but someone else I know loved every minute of it. Luke had a sudden case of ADHD and went outside 4 times throughout the day. He just could not get enough of it! Luke outgrew his boots from last year, so Daddy had to quickly improvise with these fashionable Target bags.
Ashlynn took one look out the window this morning and said,
"Oh No!... Nose SCARE Me!!!" We tried to get her to say 'SNOW' a few times but she insisted it was pronounced 'NOSE'. She had NO desire to go outside. Ben tried to get her to stand on the front porch and she did it. Within a few seconds of standing there, a clump of snow fell off the leaves and landed on her head. This was very traumatizing for her and she let the whole neighborhood hear about it. I didn't take any photos of her.

A few days ago, I was checking my camera to see what features still worked after Luke broke it. The video still works. So, here is Luke's version of Jingle Bells. Maybe he had a hunch that snow was on it's way! He has a strange look on his face because he is trying to smile and sing at the same time during the entire clip.


Jenny said...

Tell me about it, i was NOT excited to drive through the snowy accident-waiting-to-happen canyon today... glad Luke had fun though. LOVE the target bags, i should start that fashion up on campus :D...this snow just makes me want to move back to new jersey even more! hmph...i think my next blog post will be dedicated to my SUNNY summer fun of beach and swimming.

mama bear said...

I can't believed it snowed already! It's supposed to be like 80 here today, I guess for once in the last 2.5 years I'm actually glad I live in Michigan!

Bob said...

Snowing in Utah while it's been in the high 70's here!?! And to think I was actually getting annoyed that Saturday got up to 80 degrees--what happened to the cool crisp fall? But I'm not quite ready for snow.
Maybe the stores will quickly haul in their Christmas gear even before the end of Halloween now just to match the feeling in the air with the newly fallen snow.

The Blaisdell Family said...

That was the funniest video ever!! The ending was the best! Or was it the constant smile attempts? SOOOO funny! Even Avery enjoyed that and laughed with me.

You guys got a TON more snow than we did. We got it on Friday, but it barely stayed put. Craig was like Luke....a little over excited but it was fun to watch:)

Kaitlyn said...

Hey this is Kaitlyn. I finally added your blog to my own bloglist. I still can't believe it snowed either! And so much of it too. I love fall so it was rather disappointing to me that the seasons decided to skip my favorite one. It was summer and then fall for about 2 days and straight on to winter. It looks like Luke had fun though and enjoyed the snow! He is getting so big!

Rebecca Baca said...

Oh My Gosh! I love him!!!!!