"The flower that follows the sun does so even on cloudy days." -Robert Leighton

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Just B Cause

I am a little behind on posting some pictures-about a month or so to be exact. A few weeks before Valentine's day, Ben had these beautiful flowers sent to me at my work. Everyone in our family, except for me had been sick. It was a rough week taking care of all the 'sickees' and Ben wanted to say THANKS! Isn't that nice? It made me so happy. Our children were so delighted to see the flowers and they tried to smell them everytime they entered the room. We caught Ashlynn a few times sitting on the table sniffing the flowers with her sicky, snotty nose. Every day for a week, Luke would say, "Those flowers mean that Daddy loves you Mommy". I think it was good for our children to see their Daddy give Mommy flowers. They knew it was a kind gesture of appreciation. Ben is very good to me. I know that he loves me not just because he gave me flowers, but because he always speaks kindly to me, helps me with household chores, gives me compliments and he is always trying to make me happy. I really couldn't ask for anything else... well... except for his shoes to be picked up from time to time:) Good job Ben!

1 comment:

The Blaisdell Family said...

Good Job Ben. You should start a blog for all the men in the world about what TO DO for your wife:) What a great husband!!