"The flower that follows the sun does so even on cloudy days." -Robert Leighton

Saturday, January 16, 2010

2. Family Fun In Tennessee

In early July we had a family reunion with Ben's family at a lodge in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. The Smoky Mountains are so beautiful and Ben has a wonderful, fun and loving family. We felt so blessed to be able to attend considering how far we have to travel with kids. This photo only shows Ben's family...but not his Aunt and Uncle, Cousins and their kids. I don't have a pic of everyone:(   But it was a joy to see them too! They are also so loving and FUN!

We tie dyed t-shirts, chased fire flies (which they don't have out West!), went to the most amazing aquarium, saw the best fireworks show we have ever seen, ate too much yummy food, enjoyed Mayfield ice cream, and best of all...watched our kids soak up much needed cousin and grandma time.  We really needed this trip in so many ways!

1 comment:

Mandy said...

That looks like so much fun! We love going on vacations and it's so much fun to spend time with family, especially if you don't see them very often.