"The flower that follows the sun does so even on cloudy days." -Robert Leighton

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

7. Luke's 1st Day of School

I want to finish my Top 9 of 2009 by the end of January-so I better keep writing. 
Another wonderful thing to come out of 2009 was watching Luke go to kindergarten for the first time.  Luke was nervous-but I may have been more nervous.  When the time came to separate, I discovered I was more excited for him than anything and I didn't end up crying.  Luke started reading in preschool and he was more than ready to keep going with his new achievement.  It was making him mad that he couldn't read more than he could.  Every night he would thank Heavenly Father he was able to read and he prayed he could read even more the next day.  It was too cute. 

Here's a side effect of your children learning how to read:
After Luke ate all his Halloween candy in one night and became sick the next day, I wrote on the white board, "No more candy for the kids."  Luke decided he didn't like that message and he erased and rewrote the message to say, "No broccoli No carrots".  Since he didn't know how to spell broccoli or carrots, he drew pictures instead and added "I love Dad".  Later on when I asked him why he did it, he asked me, "How did you know it was me?"   Ummmmmm.....I am not sure....the next suspect would have been his Daddy! 

1 comment:

Mandy said...

That's so cute! Burton writes Tyce's name on the wall and says that Tyce did it. Hmmm...I'm sure Burton is the only one who can write it. I'm glad Luke likes school so much. Burton loves it. But it's hard sending your baby to school!